Aurora, Ohio, City Council and Committee of the Whole January 13, 2025 Committee of the Whole (COW): The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman John Kudley with Council members present: Brad Duguay, Peter French, George Horvat, Dennis Kovach, John Seitz and Scott Wolf. Council members absent: Reva Barner and Sarah Grdina Gardner. There were 10 City Officials and Employees present. There were 4 citizens present. Minutes from December 16, 2024 were adopted. There were 6 Ordinances and 1 Resolution proposed for action that evening on 1st Reading:
There were 2 Ordinances proposed for 1st Reading:
Meeting adjourned at 6:17 pm City Council (CC): Council President George Horvat called the meeting to order at 6:22 pm with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America. All Council members were present and absent as noted in the COW report. There were 10 City Officials and Employees present and 4 people in the gallery. December 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes were adopted. There was a 27 minute Executive Session to consider the compensation of public employees or officials. Mayor’s Report: The City’s purchase of Geauga Lake and 47 acres closed and the city officially owns it; Support for the 2025 Budget would be appreciated; City offices will be closed on January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Day; The State of the City luncheon will take place on Wednesday, February 26 at the Bertram Inn and Conference Center; The Mayor attended the ribbon cutting for the newly renovated and expanded AIM building, spoke at the Aurora Rotary and recorded the January Mayor’s report at Community Focus. Law Director’s Report: Mr. DiPiero’s had no verbal report but it was included in the packet. Citizens Comments: None Council Remarks: None Ordinance on 3rd Reading:
Ordinances and Resolutions on 1st Reading:
Citizens Comments: H Caplin, the owner of 7 ½ acres in Aurora, spoke again about rezoning that property for senior housing that would allow owners of pets a place to keep their pets with them. He said the city has degraded the property by the Service Department’s use of the road. There has been no interest in the property for retail use. D. Conti had questions about the new development in Bainbridge of 330 apartment or condo units and concerned about the ingress and egress being so close to Aurora and whether they will put in another traffic light. Mr. Stark said it is not in Aurora’s jurisdiction. A man from California had received a traffic ticket which he thought was not warranted and wanted to know how he could request body camera footage of the exchange. Mr. DiPiero gave him his card and said he should contact him to discuss the procedure. Council Members Remarks: None The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. Comments are closed.
February 2025
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