Aurora City Council and Committee of the Whole January 27, 2025 Committee of the Whole (COW): The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman John Kudley with all Council members present: Reva Barner, Brad Duguay, Peter French, Sarah Grdina Gardner, George Horvat, Dennis Kovach, John Seitz and Scott Wolf. There were 10 City Officials and Employees present. There were 2 citizens present. Minutes from January 13, 2025 were adopted with R. Barner and S. Grdina Gardner abstaining and amended to show “he” is identified as Dean DiPiero. Finance Director’s Report: Actual receipts for 2024 came in at 128.8% of expected amounts while expenditures came in at 92.5% of budgeted expenses. The General Fund had an ending balance of $13.3 million after all transfers were made. There was a significant increase in interest income because of the money that was sitting in an account for the Geauga Lake purchase. This will not happen in the future since that money has been spent. Water and sewer funds are operating within their means. There were 7 Ordinances and 2 Resolutions proposed for action that evening on 1st Reading:
Meeting adjourned at 6:22 pm City Council (CC): Council President George Horvat called the meeting to order at 6:27 pm with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America. All Council members were present as noted in the COW report. There were 10 City Officials and Employees present and 2 people in the gallery.
January 13, 2025 Meeting Minutes were adopted with R. Barner and S. Grdina Gardner abstaining. Mayor’s Report: “Thank you to the dedicated city employees who have worked tirelessly to ensure our roads remain clear during the recent winter weather”. She is grateful for the approval of the 2025 Budget and plans and purchases are moving forward. The State of the City luncheon is February 26th at the Bertram Inn. Since the last meeting she met with representatives from Fill a Bag, Feed a Family and from Silver Creek Church. Law Director’s Report: Mr. DiPiero’s explained Ordinance 2025-010 approving the text of changes of Aurora’s City Charter as approved by voters in November, 2024 is necessary even though it was certified. Citizens Comments: None Council Remarks: None Ordinances on 2nd Reading:
Ordinances and Resolutions on 1st Reading:
Citizens Comments: H Caplin, the owner of 7 ½ acres in Aurora, spoke again about rezoning that property for senior housing that would allow owners of pets a place to keep their pets with them and keep them safer than in current older homes that may have steps. He passed out a request to Aurora City Council to rezone that property for ADA Condominiums. Mr DiPiero replied that the property had been rezoned to retail as per Mr. Caplan’s request. Mr. Caplan has the right to go to the voters but doesn’t think the city would support senior housing there. He would like to find a viable use for this property. Council Members Remarks: R. Barner expressed congratulations to the resident who was in the movie “Unstoppables” and to her son, A.J. Barner named rookie offense for Seattle. The meeting adjourned at 6:56 pm. Comments are closed.
February 2025
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