Sherry Rose, LWV-Ohio Development Director and LWV-Kent President, joined us to share information about State Issue 1, the Citizens Not Politicians amendment that will be on the November ballot.
As part of the redistricting process, identifying communities of interest can be very important. This presentation discussed what communities of interest may look like, how they could be mapped, and why it is an important part of the district mapmaking process.
Learn about the history of gerrymandering, the redistricting process in Ohio, and what we may expect going forward.
November 2024
What are democracy dialogues?At our second meeting of the month, now on the 3rd Wednesday, we have an opportunity to explore topics regarding voting, legislation, redistricting, and more. Often, we have a slide presentation that goes along with the discussion to help introduce the topic. We are publishing these presentations as a way to share our work. It's important to note that while the information was correct at the time of presenting, these slides have not been updated and may not reflect current law, policies, or procedures.