City Council and Committee of the Whole - October 9, 2023 Aurora, Ohio Committee of the Whole (COW): The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman John Kudley with all council members present: Reva Barner, Brad Duguay, Peter French, Sarah Grdina Gilmore, Harold Hatridge, George Horvat, Dennis Kovach and Scott Wolf, There were 5 City Officials/Employees and 5 citizens present. September 25, 2023 minutes were adopted with P. French, D. Kovach and S. Grdina Gilmore abstaining. There were 2 Ordinances proposed for Action that evening on 1st Reading:
There was 1 Ordinance proposed for 1st Reading:
There were 9 Ordinances proposed that will go on the October 23 agenda:
The Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm City Council (CC): Council President G. Horvat called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America. All Council members were present as noted in COW Report. There were 8 people in the gallery.
Reconsideration of a Prior Action: There was change order for Ronyak Paving for paving of the Hanes Parking lot at 10 S. Chillicothe Rd. Funding will come from a more appropriate fund. It passed with Rules Suspended with B. Duguay voting no. Minutes from the September 25, 2023 meeting were adopted with P. French, S. Grdina Gilmore and D. Kovach abstaining. Executive Session: There was an 11 minute Executive Session to discuss the Acquisition of Real Property. Mayor’s Report: The Mayor thanked the Aurora Chamber of Commerce and the city employees for putting on the Fall Festival remarking that a lot of people braved the weather to enjoy the day. Cemetery cleanup starts October 16 and Decorations may be replaced Saturday October 21. The City will begin annual curbside leaf pickup Monday October 16, continuing through the fall season until snow stops it. Drive-Thru Trunk or Treat is Saturday, October 28th from 1-3 at Hartman Park. Senior Leaf Raking event is on Saturday November 4th.. There were meetings with the Chamber of Commerce Executive Board and the Aurora School Board; Spoke at the Manny Berenholtz Way street dedication; attended ribbon cutting ceremonies for Aurora Spirit Gear Dry Cleaners and K and M Tire; taped her Community Focus report for October and attended the LWV Candidates Night and the Fall Festival at Sunny Lake. She also noted the passing of Dick Fetzer, Aurora Histocial Society past President. Law Director’s Report: There were no questions for Mr. DePiero. Citizens Comments: None Council Remarks: None Ordinances on 3rd Reading:
Ordinances on 1st reading:
Miscellaneous: None Citizens Comments: Harry Caplin read the letter he submitted to the Planning Commission, City Council, Law Director and Mayor concerning his 7.14 acre parcel between the City Service facility and McDonalds with Cresco Real Estate. He wished to call attention to 2 issues that will arise upon negotiating the sale of the property. It was appraised at $1,400,000. Candidate for School Board Molly Schneider spoke about her candidacy and her commitment to open communication. Candidate for School Board Jennifer Klich introduced herself and her desire to be elected to the Aurora School Board. Miriam Connor, current VP of the School Board is running for reelection. Council Members and Committee Remarks: S. Wolf asked for support of the Aurora Soccer players; R. Barner Thanked the City for the beautiful Fall decorations and thanked the candidates for coming to the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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