Aurora, Ohio City Council & Committee of the Whole October 23, 2023 Committee of the Whole (COW): The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman John Kudley with council members present: Brad Duguay, Peter French, Harold Hatridge, George Horvat, Dennis Kovach and Scott Wolf. Reva Barner and Sarah Grdina Gilmore were absent. There were 9 City Officials/Employees and 2 citizens present. October 9, 2023 minutes were adopted. Finance Director’s Report: Fund balances remain in a healthy position with $43,633,363 unencumbered in all funds and $20,539,865 unencumbered in the General Fund. There were 3 Ordinances proposed for Action that evening on 1st Reading:
There were 4 Ordinances or Resolutions proposed for 1st Reading:
The Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. City Council (CC): Council President G. Horvat called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America. Council members were present and absent as noted in COW Report. There were 3 people in the gallery.
Reconsideration of a Prior Action: There was a change order for Ronyak Paving for paving of the Hanes Parking lot at 10 S. Chillicothe Rd. Funding will come from a more appropriate fund. It passed with Rules Suspended with B. Duguay voting no. Minutes from the October 9, 2023 meeting were adopted. Executive Session: There was an 18 minute Executive Session to discuss employment of a public official and to discuss union negotiations. Mayor’s Report: Karen Pope read the Mayor’s report calling attention to the 2023 general election on Tuesday November 7; Upcoming events including Drive-Thru Trunk or Treat at Hartman Park on October 28; Annual Leaf Raking on November 4; Fill the bus Food Drive on November 7 at the Walker Building; Winter Blanket drive for the Hospice of Western Reserve ongoing until December 15. The Mayor met with State Representative Gail Pavliga, attended an after hours Chamber event, met incoming State Representative Steve Demetriou, attended and spoke at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Trentstone living community and presented proclamations at a 90th Birthday party and a 50th Anniversary Party. Law Director’s Report: Mr. DePiero said that there was a tentative agreement with the Firefighter Local and a Resolution will be added to the agenda. Citizens Comments: None Council Remarks: None Ordinances on 3rd Reading:
Ordinances on 2nd reading:
Ordinances and Resolutions on 1st Reading:
Miscellaneous: None Citizens Comments: Ward 6 Candidate David Ludick introduced himself and encouraged everyone to vote. Council Members and Committee Remarks: J. Kudley said that there are changes for tickets for the High School Football regional game. S. Wolf said the Men’s Soccer Team will be playing in Louisville. The meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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