Aurora, Ohio, City Council and Committee of the Whole March 25, 2024 Committee of the Whole (COW): The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by Clerk of Council Marie Lawrie who proceeded to call for nominations and the election of a Chairman pro tem in the absence of the Chairman, John Kudley and Vice Chairman, Scott Wolf. Peter French was nominated and elected by Council members present Reva Barner, George Horvat, Dennis Kovach, John Seitz. Brad Duguay and Sarah Grdina Gilmore were also absent. There were 6 City Officials and Employees present. There were 2 citizens present. Minutes from March 11, 2024 were not approved as there were not enough members present to approve them. They will be approved at the next meeting. Finance Director’s Report: It is still early in the year but all signs are positive. The 2023 financial audit has been progressing with an audit report anticipated to be issued by the end of June. The report was accepted. There were 6 Ordinances proposed for 1st Reading.
The meeting adjourned at 6:41 City Council (CC): Council President G. Horvat called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America. Council members were present and absent as noted in COW Report. There were 6 City Officials and Employees present and 2 people in the gallery.
March 11, 2024 Meeting minutes could not be adopted since there were not enough Council members present. Mayor’s Report: Items included: State of the City Address for seniors; Shred Day April 6 from 9-12 at the Service Center; Eclipse over Aurora at Sunny Lake Park from 2-4 on April 8. Details on all events can be found at She attended the Tinkers Creek Watershed Partners Mayors’ breakfast and attended the State of the Aurora Chamber luncheon and attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the Goddard School with Peter French, John Kudley and John Seitz. “I wish everyone a wonderful spring break and Happy Easter”. Law Director’s Report: Mr. DiPiero had no remarks but his report was included with the agenda packet. Citizens Comments: None Council Remarks: None Ordinances on 3rd Reading:
Ordinances on 2nd Reading:
Ordinances on 1st Reading:
Citizens Comments: None Council Members and Committee Remarks: R. Barner wished everyone a Happy Easter and complimented the Parks and Rec Department on the good job on the baseball fields. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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