Aurora City Council & Committee of the Whole April 24, 2023 Committee of the Whole (COW): The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by Chairman John Kudley with council members present: Reva Barner, Brad Duguay, Sarah Grdina Gilmore, George Horvat, Dennis Kovach, and Scott Wolf. Peter French and Harold Hatridge were absent. There were 11 City Officials and Employees present and 5 people in the gallery. Adoption of March 27 minutes was postponed as there were not enough people present from that meeting. April 10 minutes were adopted with S. Grdina Gilmore abstaining. Finance Director Timothy Clymer’s report that the City is ahead of pace was accepted. There were 2 Ordinance proposed for 1st Reading:
There were 5 Ordinances / Resolutions proposed for action that evening:
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. City Council (CC): Council President George Horvat called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America. Council members present as noted in COW Report.
Minutes from the March 27 meeting were not adopted as there were not enough members present who could vote to adopt them. April 10 meeting minutes were adopted with S. Grdina Gilmore abstaining. Mayor’s Report: Mayor Ann Womer Benjamin spoke about the Upcoming National Day of Prayer to be observed on Thursday May 4 at noon at the Bicentennial Park Gazebo; Aurora Citywide Cleanup on May 6; and the Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday May 29 at 10:15 starting at the Veterans Memorial Park followed by a procession to the Aurora Cemetery with a service afterward. She swore in a new Police Officer Anthony Bower; attended the Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners’ annual Mayor’s breakfast; a ribbon cutting ceremony at eXp Realty; met with Police Chief Byard and Fire Chief McBirney to discusses emergency operations planning for the city; met with representatives from Dominion Energy; attended a Chatham HOA board meeting; had lunch with State Representative Gail Pavliga; and commented on the great response to Fill a bag event with more than 300 volunteers and more than 20,000 items collected. Citizens Comments: 1 citizen commented about the proposed Master Plan and his desire to provide more condos for seniors that will not impact the schools. Council Remarks: None Ordinances / Resolutions on 3rd Reading:
Ordinances on 2nd Reading:
Ordinances on 1st Reading:
Miscellaneous: None Citizens Comments: 1 Citizen requested input on his proposed condos. Another Citizen requested more information and details on the replacement of city codes. The Law Director replied it was to match local codes with state codes- an update. Council Members and Committee Remarks: there was some discussion about the condition of the parking lot at Barrington. It is private property so the City can request but has no authority to address it directly. R. Barner asked about remaining space in the Cemetery; J. Kudley said a Historic Marker for the James Converse/ Hanes building has been applied for and mentioned the upcoming Aurora Schools Exhibit at the Aurora Historical Society. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. Comments are closed.
August 2024
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