Aurora, Ohio, City Council & Committee of the Whole - May 23, 2022 Committee of the Whole: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by J. Kudley with all Council members present except for S. Gilmore. 7 City Officials and Employees and 4 citizens were present. Finance Director‘s report was given by the Mayor while the search for a new Finance Director continues. There were 3 Ordinances proposed for action that evening: Maintenance Contract with Software Solutions; Purchase and Installation of Trees for Barrington Clubside Manor, some of which was budgeted, some from First Energy; Employees generally for, among others, Police officers and 4 Seasonals. The meeting ended at 6:54. City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by G. Horvat with all Council Members present except S. Gilmore. See COW report for others present. The Mayor’s report addressed Memorial Day plans; the Splash Pad opening, Shred Day and other events. There was a Public Hearing for the 11 Ordinances from Planning dealing with Aurora’s Codified Ordinances. 2 citizens spoke of their concern about the impact these changes would have on their being able to use or develop their properties. The planning director said people could still apply for variances but these ordinances add extra protection. Rules were suspended so that they could be voted on the same day of a Public Hearing and all were adopted. Public hearings were scheduled for the Tax Budget- June 13, and the rezoning for June 27. The 100% 15-year Tax Abatement for Automation Plastics Corp was adopted with Rules suspended. The 3 Ordinances proposed at COW were adopted with rules suspended and an Ordinance for a contract with R2o Consulting for Phase 1 of the Geauga Lake Redevelopment Sanitary System Improvements, etc was adopted with rules suspended. The meeting adjourned at 7:45. Comments are closed.
February 2025
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