Aurora, Ohio, City Council and Committee of the Whole May 23, 2023 Committee of the Whole (COW): The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman John Kudley with council members present: Reva Barner, Brad Duguay, Peter French, Harold Hatridge, Dennis Kovach and Scott Wolf. Sarah Grdina Gilmore and George Horvat were absent. There were 9 City Officials and Employees present and 4 people in the gallery. Adoption of March 27 minutes was postponed as there were not enough people present from that meeting. May 8, 2023 minutes were adopted with S. Wolf and R. Barner abstaining. Finance Director Tim Clymer reported that “fund balances remain in a healthy position with $38,4442.091 unencumbered in all funds, and $16,248,043 unencumbered in the General Fund”. With 33.3% of the year completed General Fund revenue collections are at 41.6% of budgeted revenues, Income tax collections are at 39%, General Fund expenditures are at 33.5% of budgeted. The report was accepted. There were 6 Ordinance proposed for Action that evening on 1st Reading:
Scott Wolf was nominated to be Chairman Pro tem for the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm. City Council (CC): Acting Council President Dennis Kovach called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America. Council members present as noted in COW Report.
Minutes from the March 27 meeting were not adopted as there were not enough members present who could vote to adopt them. May 8 meeting minutes were adopted with R. Barner and S. Wolf abstaining. There was a 30 Minute Executive Session to discuss the Acquisition of Real Property Mayor’s Report: Mayor Ann Womer Benjamin’s report mentioned the new windows that were installed at City hall that will help to preserve and maintain the Historic Building; the opening of the Splash Pad; the upcoming Memorial Day observances; Road paving beginning after Memorial Day with completion by 4th of July; Grand Marshal nominations for the 4th of July parade are being accepted; and assorted interviews, and meetings since the last Council meeting and ending with a Thank you to all the Veterans. Citizens Comments: a citizen had a question about the Master Plan, specifically about the proposed expansion of the Headwaters Trail mentioned and the proposed Land Use categories. The Mayor replied there is a planned zoning code review. Council Remarks: J. Kudley commended the Mayor for using the Master Plan as a guideline. Ordinances on 3rd Reading:
Ordinances on 2nd Reading:
The 6 Ordinances proposed at the COW for action that evening were adopted with rules suspended. See Committee of the Whole report for details Miscellaneous: None Citizens Comments: H Caplin spoke about the need for senior housing and wants rezoning for that. He has property he would like to build senior housing on- all concrete and with other amenities needed by seniors. H. H. Bane clarified her title and name spelling in response to the above citizen comment. Council Members and Committee Remarks: H. Hatridge spoke about Memorial Day and the Veterans’ Memorial Park and the Vietnam Memorial Wall coming to the city June 22. B. Duguay thanked the Mayor and Service Director H. Stark for the FEMA grant for Ward 1. S. Wolf expressed condolences for the family who lost their son. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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