Aurora, Ohio, City Council and Committee of the Whole - June 13, 2022 COW: The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm by J. Kudley with council members D. Kovach, B. Duguay, H. Hatridge, G. Horvat, Scott Wolf present and S. Gilmore, R. Barner and P. French absent. There were 9 City Officials and Employees present and 7 people in the gallery (including a boy scout and his dad and Gail Pavliga who is running for State Rep in the 72nd District). There were 5 Ordinances proposed for action that evening including:
There was one miscellaneous item concerning virtual and remote meetings that will be discussed at the July meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:53 pm. CC:
G. Horvat called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with Council members present and absent as mentioned at the COW. There were 14 people in the gallery. There were no comments at the Public Hearing for approving and adopting the Tax Budget for 2023. The executive session was removed from the agenda. The Mayor has appointed an Ad Hoc Rec Center Committee to meet over the next 9 months to a year to explore the feasibility and options for a possible Rec Center. This would have to go on the ballot for funding support even if recommended. The 4th of July festivities were listed; the new City Website will be launched on Wednesday; and a list of the different meetings and events the Mayor attended were given. Citizens’ Comments on legislation included D. Conti asking for some details on the hiring of T. Clymer for p/t Finance consulting and the Mayor replied he would be helping with the search for a permanent Finance Director and answer questions as needed so there was no minimum or maximum amount listed; H. Caplin inquiring about the rezoning of property he owns by the Cemetery for Senior Housing and Law Director DiPiero replied that he didn’t think there was a need for more Senior housing so therefore didn’t think the acreage should be rezoned for such. For Council remarks, J. Kudley thinks it could be rezoned. The Tax Budget was postponed. An application to rezone acreage from R-4 Residential to I-1 Manufacturing, etc was postponed with a Public Hearing set for June 27. Denying rezoning of land on Maple Lane went to 2nd reading. An employment contract with T. Clymer for part-time financial consulting services was adopted with rules suspended. The contracts with Osborn Engineering for plans for the 2 Bridges were adopted with rules suspended. The Ordinance to purchase extrication tools and rescue equipment was adopted with rules suspended. The BZA appointment and the Employees generally were also adopted with rules suspended. Gail Pavliga, candidate for State Rep for House district 72 spoke. There were several citizens with comments: residents who live by the property scheduled to change zoning from Residential to Light industrial were concerned about the negative effect this will have on their property. Another resident at Tara off Treat Road is concerned about the blasting being done at Renaissance as it is concerned about its causing damage to her home. A resident on Wheatfield drive spoke in favor of allowing Poultry husbandry on smaller lots. A Beljon resident was concerned about the Power Outages they have been experiencing. The Mayor said First Energy has the authority and the City has very little. H. Caplin believes there is a need for the Senior Housing he has proposed for his Maple Lane property and he referenced an Ordinance writer he had hired. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. LWVNPC Observer: MS Comments are closed.
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