Aurora Ohio City Council and Committee of the Whole - March 13, 2023 Committee of the Whole (COW): The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman John Kudley with all other council members present: Reva Barner, Brad Duguay, Peter French, Sarah Grdina Gilmore, Harold Hatridge, George Horvat, Dennis Kovach, and Scott Wolf. There were 11 City Officials and Employees present and 7 people in the gallery. There were 12 Ordinances proposed for action that evening and 1 Resolution proposed for the March 27 agenda:
Meeting adjourned at 6:52 pm. City Council (CC): Council President George Horvat called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America. Council members present as noted in COW Report.
Minutes from the February 27 meeting were adopted. Mayor’s Report: Mayor Ann Womer Benjamin gave tribute to “longtime resident and visionary developer Manny Barenholtz” who recently passed away. She announced that Thorncreek Winery has been sold to the owners of Sapphire Creek who will continue to operate it as a dining and event center under the name Orchid Place. State Representative Gail Pavliga will hold office hours at the Walker Building on March 16 from 4-7 and residents can sign up for a meeting time. She met with the owner of the Chagrin Valley Times and the publisher of the Portager to discuss options for news coverage in Aurora since The Aurora Advocate will cease publication. She gave her State of the City address to the Aurora Seniors and attended the Aurora High School Orchestra’s spring concert and fundraiser. Citizens Comments: 1 Citizen expressed concern about the proposed Storage Facility on Page Rd and how it will be sited. The owner of the property Greens of Aurora, that will have a Goddard School built on, thanked the planning commission for accepting the proposal. A Chatham Drive resident thanked Council for the proposed Parking Ordinance that she believes will help keep property values up. Council Remarks: 3 Council members expressed opinions that another day care facility is needed in Aurora since there are waiting lists for the 2 existing facilities and numbers of preschool age children continues to increase. J. Kudley said that even though the Parking Ordinance won’t resolve everyone’s concerns about parking in front yards since it is complaint driven, it is the best alternative at this time. Ordinances on 3rd Reading:
Ordinances on 1st Reading:
Miscellaneous: The Orchid House Winery LLC is having the liquor license from Thorncreek transferred to them. Citizens Comments: Another resident from Chatham Drive thanked Council for passing the Parking Ordinance. Council Members and Committee Remarks: None The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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