Crestwood Local Schools Board of Education - October 11, 2022 Central Office Small Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - 7 pm All members present. Seven members of the public. Sixteen faculty/staff in attendance. Subject 1.03 Accept and Approve Board Meeting Agenda - approved unanimously 2. SUPERINTENDENT'S COMMUNICATION Subject 2.01 Strategic Plan The board adopted the Strategic Plan in the spring. David Toth has worked with his team to determine the baseline on the different points and give an update on where the district is at: Communications: they were looking to enhance communications internally and externally. Currently, send-it messages and leadership teams within the district and buildings communicate within the building communities. Also, Public School Works has a module where staff can submit issues/concerns to report to the admin anonymously. Allows for the District team to respond to issues quickly. Labor-management meetings are happening once a quarter to resolve issues internally. Both Association Presidents can contact the Superintendent at any time to address issues. For external communications, they are using social media, text messages, community profile, crestwood comments (quarterly), newsletters, website, coffee talks, class dojo, parent access center, and more. They have a town hall meeting scheduled to reach out to the greater community, and will continue to broadcast board meetings. Culture and climate: Especially in light of staff turnover and transitions, looking at what we’re doing for the staff to increase wellness. Buildings have various weekly programs to improve the culture within the staff. Shout Outs recognize the accomplishments of staff. Created a staff shop where they can buy staff merch at discounted rates. Had Staff Cookout with Toth cooking the meal before the start of school.Trying to find ways to appreciate all that staff does for the district. Vitality program - mental health, physical health - provides points which helps defray costs for medical. For students, they promote the Stay Safe program Facilities: Offering town hall program, coffee talks, communications directly with Jeff W, Stay Safe Speak Up, facility rental program update, website calendars/rental forms, work orders systems with staff. Have done significant work on buildings. Roof project is fully completed. For security - after hour key fobs, regular inspection of facilities, looking at expanding key fob access to keep it safer, instituted cameras (purchased through Attny General funds), panic buttons in all building offices with direct connection to police, increased fire alarm capacity, through Public School Works Training, have training mechanism for mandated training and extra trainings. Halo Vape detection systems operating at all buildings servicing 4-12 grades. Detectors also alert for fights, loud noises within bathrooms. Pest control for assistance on insects and vermin (especially up near the stadium). Threat assessment teams at all buildings to look at situations to determine threat legitimacy. Lock Down, Evacuation, etc drills are all in training modules (also helps with lowering workers compensation rates). Have security vestibules at all schools thanks to grants received. Have applied for additional grants and should hear within the next month as to status. Technology: We are one of the most advanced tech schools within the area, thanks to our staff and the grants they purchased. Firewalls, password complexity, password forced change, two factor authentication, URL filtering, anti-virus, network monitoring tools, nightly backup with off-site replication, training for staff, security patches, teachers can lock down students immediately if not on approved site, cyber-security insurance. The entire district is 1-to-1 with chromebooks and students. Staff has all new laptops. Finance: Cash balance as of June 30, 2021 - $6.1m Previous 5 year forecast projected $7.7m surplus FY22, revenue surplus is expected by $1.2m. FY26 district is expected to have a shortfall by $2.6m. District would need to cut by 11% to balance the budget without additional revenue. New 5 year forecast will be needed by this November. Within Portage County schools, Crestwood is the 2nd lowest public tax rate district in the county. In looking at all NEOH counties, we are 7th lowest tax base rate for our schools. Have not passed new operating levy in many years. Geis will bring in $350k annually starting in 2025. Property taxes will decrease by the end of 2022 because bond issue and PI for CIS/CPS is done. Human resources: One of his biggest concerns is the transition of staff - 20-22 staff over the last few years. Hard to keep training new staff. Trying to work with existing staff, work with new teachers to keep them feeling at home within the district. Have a teacher mentoring program. Have increased substitute pay rates to try to get more subs within the system. Hard to keep up with the going rate. Started paid training for our bus drivers. Had to adjust middle school sports and events because district just didn’t have coverage for drivers to do runs and get kids to event. Have publicized across social media, indeed, linkedin. Partnering with professional development organizations to help expand skills of existing staff. Did staff survey on burnout issues, mental health issues. Program/curriculum development: Updated curriculum maps - how to implement standards, improve test scores. Reinstituted Curriculum Liaison within each building to help with state standards, curriculum implementation. Instituted MAP assessments (fall, winter, spring) to see how kids are achieving, help to intervene with students who are struggling. At CIS, created project-based learning units to get kids more engaged in lessons. Created an internship program at 7-12 building to get students to learn about opportunities/explore interests while also earning credit. Started a graphics arts program at HS level, which has been very successful. Still have the Academy Program at HS - college credit, very engaging, hands on learning. Offer College and Career Readiness program to help students explore opportunities. Engineering and coding courses, robotics program. Multiple educational opportunities outside of the school days that teachers have developed for students. IXL program available at all times for students, edge elastic is an assessment tool to implement practice tests. Career Fair on campus for students and families - have 30 companies coming in to speak with students.Business Advisory committee through ESC, speaking with professionals throughout NEOH to know what skills they need in their workers to tweak curriculum. Have advisory periods in CIS and 7-12 - tutoring, mentoring, interventions. Enhanced professional learning communities throughout the district Board relations - in discussions with Board Members regarding this topic What’s next
Quick overview of financials to be approved - Sept was a standard month. All reports for grants have been submitted. For Year Over Year review - expenditures were up over $600k, which was the AC project. That was grant funded, so our revenues were also up Year Over Year. The Treasury office is going to streamline the requisition process. In December our check printing process will be obsolete, so new software will require the streamlined process. Will start moving some funds into investments. Will present a 5 Year Forecast in November. Audit will be starting next week. She will report as they progress through it. 4. HEARING OF THE PUBLIC (RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS OR GENERAL COMMENTS) Subject 4.02 Rich McIntyre - Nice job on the strategic plan - very thorough - he got a lot of feedback from the community after the last meeting - feels like many people really are living in this area for the same reason and they don’t want to see the culture change but want to get up with the times. Our facilities aren’t doing that. By having town hall meeting, it’ll be good to get the community involved. Going about this the right way, being transparent, having town hall. Hope that we can be grassroots and move forward. Hillary Snyder - strategic goal is good - you’d mention the exiting interviews with the staff, with such a high turnover, would be helpful to know why teachers are leaving; Goal #7 - curriculum - it's come to her attention this year that if a child is tested and they get deemed worthy of getting Title 1 intervention, those interventions get stopped at year end and don't restart until after MAPS testing to see if the student needs the intervention again. Fears that kids are losing the whole summer and 1Q of the school year. What she is being told is that there are only so many slots available, so while your child may need intervention, there may be another child that needs more help and that prevents your child from having access. Crestwood can do better. Eddie Judd - teacher since 1993 - here on behalf of CEA - wanted to point out that Dr Toth being able to do “stay” interviews is a great idea. Need to remember that there are approx 540k teacher vacancies nationwide, and Crestwood isn’t alone with the turnover. What is happening is that teachers are finding jobs outside of education that are either higher paid, or less stressful. Many teachers work jobs outside of school hours/summers to pay bills. We’ve had resignations and replacements already - we are trying to work together with the administration to help maintain culture and high standards. In addressing the previous speaker, please know that interventions are happening EVERY day with every teachers, so no child is being left behind. 5. CONSENT (the following items are all approved together) Subject 5.01 Meeting Minutes -approval of the Meeting Minutes from the Special Meetings on September 6 and 27, 2022, and the Regular Meeting of September 13, 2022, as presented. Subject 5.02 Financial Statements for the Month of September 2022 -approval of the Financial Statements for the Month of September 2022 which include the following in attachments: Monthly Financial Report; Revenue and Expenditure Report - General fund; Spending Plan; Financial Report by Fund - FINSUMM; Cash Reconciliation; Financial Check Listing; Interest Earned; Permanent Improvements Expenditures - PI Expenditures; Days Off Subject 5.03 Appropriations Modification -approval of Permanent Appropriations Modification dated September 23, 2023, as presented. Approval of 2022-2023 Appropriations modification: Whereas the Board of Education adopted the 2022-2023 Annual Appropriations on September 23, 2022; and Whereas it has been determined that the appropriations for the endowment funds (008) in the amount of $84.447.00 were overstated: Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Education reduce the endowment funds appropriations by $81,947.00 for a new total amount of $2,500.00. Subject 5.04 Donation -approval of the following donation: To: Crestwood Local Schools 5000.00 (Life Skills Room) From: Portage County Board of DD Subject 5.06 Substitutes -approval to employ the following substitutes for the 2022-2023 school year pending satisfactory BCII/FBI report and appropriate certification where required: Cafeteria:Janet O'Bryant Teacher Long-Term: Abbey Stover Subject 5.07 Resignations -approval of the following resignations (see attached): Employee /Position/ Effective Date Madison Leventry/Teacher/October 19, 2022 Heather Wurm/Teacher/October 14, 2022 Subject 5.08 FMLA- Frato -approval of FMLA for Jessica Frato from approximately September 9, 2022, up to 12 weeks as needed. Subject 5.09 FMLA- May -approval of FMLA for Janice May from approximately August 24, 2022, up to 12 weeks as needed. Subject 5.10 Home Instructor -approval to employ the following home instructor $30/hr for the 2022-2023 school year pending satisfactory BCII/FBI report and appropriate certification where required: Home Instructor: Miranda Robinson; Emily Dobias Subject 5.11 Supplemental / Personal Service -Employ the following individuals contingent upon attaining minimum participation criteria for the 2022-2023 school year in compliance with ORC sections 3319.11 and 3319.1111 (pending appropriate certification and BCII/FBI approval): Joseph Ewell/Bowling Head - Boys/7%/High School Subject 5.12 Intents and Purposes -approval of the following intents and purposes for 2022-2023 school year: High School 7-12 -Academy High School 7-12 - Athletic Tag Sale High School 7-12 - Band 6th / 7th / 8th High School 7-12 - Class of 2023 High School 7-12 -Class of 2025 High School 7-12 - Leadership High School 7-8- Leadership High School 7-12 - Power of the Pen High School 7-12 - Resource Room Cookie Fundraiser High School 7-12 - Junior / Senior Seminar High School 7-12 - Student Council High School 7-12 - Crestwood Vocal Program High School 7-12 - Women in Leadership High School 7-12 - Student Council High School 7-12 - Yearbook High School 7-12 - PBIS High School 7-12 -Drama Club 7-12 High School 7-12 - 7/8 Volleyball High School 7-12 - FCS Classes High School 7-12 - FCCLA High School 7-12 -CMS Art Club Subject 5.13 Reimbursement - Ancillary School Improvement -approval to accept compensation from FY23 for Ancillary School Improvement and Transition Costs for the following employees and to pay the stipend to them at the completion of their duties: Subject 5.14 Federal Grant Compliance - Policy Review -approval to review the following policies as required by Federal Grant Compliance. These policies will be reviewed annually (see attached).
2111 Parental and Family Involvement 2261 Title I Services 2261.01 Parent Participation in Title I Programs Subject 5.15 Revised - Board Policies -approval of the first reading of the following revised board Policies: Policy Revisions 2220 - ADOPTION OF COURSES OF STUDY 2280 - PRESCHOOL PROGRAM 2413 - CAREER ADVISING 2430 - DISTRICT-SPONSORED CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES 2431 - INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS 3120.08 - EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL FOR CO-CURRICULAR/EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 5111 - ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT STUDENTS 5335 - CARE OF STUDENTS WITH CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS 5336 - CARE OF STUDENTS WITH DIABETES 5460.01 - DIPLOMA DEFERRAL 6550 - TRAVEL PAYMENT & REIMBURSEMENT/RELOCATION COSTS 6700 - FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) 7440 - FACILITY SECURITY 7440.03 - SMALL UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS 8210 - SCHOOL CALENDAR 8320 - PERSONNEL FILES 8330 - STUDENT RECORDS 8600 - TRANSPORTATION Subject 5.16 Substitutes- Long-Term -approval of the following long-term substitute teachers for the 2022-2023 school year: Substitute Teacher - Abbey Stover, BA Step 0; Tessa Walsh, BA Step 0 CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL: Subject 5.17 Board approval of Items 5.01 through 5.17 Discussion - none Passed unanimously 6. NON-CONSENT Subject 6.01 Unpaid Leave - Ewing - approval of an unpaid leave of absence for Kimberly Ewing starting September 10, 2022, not to exceed 6 months. Discussion - none Passed unanimously Subject 6.02 Curriculum Maps -approval of the following updated Curriculum Maps for grades K-12: CPS: Crestwood Primary Curriculum & Courses of Study CIS: Crestwood Intermediate Curriculum & Courses of Study 7-12 Campus: 7-12 Curriculum & Courses of Study Discussion: Kristin Cavanaugh: Concerned that she didn’t have time to review. Insists that it was only 18 days to review the completed package. Also said that she told Toth to remove it from the agenda. Wonders why it is also on the agenda now, after the start of the school year. David Toth: The teachers and staff have been working over the last two years and have provided pieces of the curriculum over that time as they have completed the maps. The board was told that it was going to be on the agenda with the update given in September. Once the item was on the public agenda, Roberts Rules dictates that it could not be pulled off. Todd Monroe - This is not a decision on curriculum. The curriculum is in place and is decided by the State of Ohio. What we are asked to approve is the implementation of that curriculum to make sure that the state standards are met and that the teachers are teaching the standards in a similar fashion to make sure that each child has the info they need/similar knowledge base. We are approving the maps that our teachers are putting together. The board members are not experts in curriculum management. We have teachers, superintendent who are experts. We have legally binding language in our contract with our teachers regarding this process. If we start picking apart these maps, we may be wandering into a grievance situation. We also have a board policy [reads policy] that also dictates how we are to handle this. Kristin Cavanaugh - “If I am going to approve something, then I should know what I am approving. It's difficult to understand. I’m not ever going to make a decision on something that I haven’t read.” Again expresses that she doesn’t understand why this is on the agenda now, after the start of the school year. David Toth - Explains that the maps that teachers have are always evolving, just like a lesson plan, to reflect if kids are or aren’t understanding a concept.. Kristin Cavanaugh - “If a map changes, then it should be approved every time?” David Toth - Explains that a singular teacher doesn’t change a map, but may adjust to reflect the day to day learning in the classroom. Changing the map is the work of a group of teachers. Bonnie Lovejoy - “Does this have anything to do with us rejecting our CRT? Do they want to make sure it’s approved?” Karen Schulz - It is complicated, as a non-teaching professional Tim Herron - “These maps are in step with the Ohio Education Standards, correct?” David Toth - Yes, the teachers go through the state standards, and determine how they are going to help the kids reach the state standards with each unit, each week, each year. Vote: Cavanaugh - no; Lovejoy - no; Herron - yes; Monroe - yes; Schulz - yes Subject 6.03 Classified- Replacement - approval to employee the following effective September 26, 2022: (pending appropriate certification and BCII/FBI approval) Classified one-year Probationary Mia McCoy 12 months, 8-hour Custodian, Step 0 Discussion - none Passed unanimously Subject 6.04 Classified - Replacement - approval to employee the following effective September 26, 2022: (pending appropriate certification and BCII/FBI approval) Classified one-year Probationary Brady Taliaferro, 12 months, 8-hour Custodian, Step 0 Discussion - none Passed unanimously Subject 6.05 Classified - Replacement - approval to employee the following effective October 10, 2022: (pending appropriate certification and BCII/FBI approval) Classified one-year Probationary Michelle Gray, 9 months, 5-hour Double Run Bus Driver, Step 0 Discussion - none Passed unanimously Subject 6.06 Classified - Replacement - approval to employee the following effective October 3, 2022: (pending appropriate certification and BCII/FBI approval) Classified one-year Probationary Sarah Herrier, 9 months, 7-hour Special Education Aide, Step 0 Discussion - none Passed unanimously Subject 6.07 Exempt - Replacement - approval to employee the following effective September 19, 2022: (pending appropriate certification and BCII/FBI approval) Exempt one-year Probationary Samuel McCoy, 260 day, Network Manager, Step 5 Discussion - none Passed unanimously Subject 6.08 Administrative -Salary Schedule update - approval of the attached salary adjustment and move from Exempt to Administrator for Technology Coordinator and Network Manager. Discussion: Bonnie Lovejoy - Had asked how much of a step increase this represents. It was 39%. “How do we justify this when we gave our teachers a 1% raise?” David Toth - This is in line with the profession and the current marketplace demands it. These roles are critical to maintain the network functionality Vote: Monroe - yes Cavanaugh - no Lovejoy - no Herron - yes Schulz - yes 7.01 Board Reports: Athletics - fall sports are off to good starts - middle school xc teams have double participation, we have 7th and 8th grade football and soccer teams; HS sports - soccer teams boys and girls made it to playoffs - VB doing great- football doing well Maplewood - presentation in Graphics Communication program - construction project nearing completion Policy - had first reading tonight on variety of policy updates OSBA - conference is in November Academics: CPS - year starting off smoothly - visited Monroes Apple Orchard - excited to host annual Veterans Day program again CIS - “case of the Mondays” - focus on executive functions that help students. First one was how to use a planner. Next was setting weekly goals in the planner. Last one was reflecting on our goals and our grades in the first quarter. 4th and 5th grade students had opportunity to participate in leadership camps at Hiram House. Had nearly every child participate. PBIS involving parents and students in the methods of the program. The vape detectors - have TownHall II coming in to speak with students to help build mentality to say “no”. Vaping IS happening, so it is important to be proactive and reactive with our students. We have 75 band members in 6th grade and have four teachers working with them. In ELA, reading their first novel and focusing on themes, comparing and contrasting characters. Great to see how the development of concepts expands as the students progress through the grade levels. Same is true in Math with fractions. Social Studies - primary sources, maps. Science - fossils, ecosystems, scientific knowledge. 7-12 - two students earned national recognition - Dean Hazel - National Merit Semifinalist; Kenny Stoots - awarded the National Rural and Small Town Award; Student Council just finished homecoming celebration; Graphic Design program have been developing signage on front doors/around school; Band (MS) will have night with HS band this Friday. HS Band went to Bands of America and finished 2nd overall in Class A, and have earned Superior Rating and State Competition qualification. Internships are going very well with students in a variety of workplaces and roles. The campus has incorporated a new app for PBIS to track performance and behaviors. Ease of use and student response has been great. Downtown Mantua is cleaner as result of 70 students helping to clean the town this fall. Meeting, interventions happening throughout the day to help ease conflicts with after school. 7. ADJOURNMENT Subject 7.01 Motion to Adjourn - 8:47 Comments are closed.
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