Crestwood Board of Education - Dec 12, 2022 Crestwood Central Office - Cafeteria Tuesday, December 13, 2022 Regular Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - all board members in attendance Meeting Called To Order at 7:02 pm Accept and Approve Board Meeting Agenda - passed unanimously without discussion 2. SUPERINTENDENT'S COMMUNICATION 2.01 Virtual Town Hall Meeting Wednesday, December 14, 2022 6:30 pm – 7:15 pm - Will be hosting a virtual Town Hall meeting on Google Meet. Those logging in can ask questions in the chat. Looking for feedback from the community as part of the strategic plan. 3. TREASURER'S COMMUNICATION 3.01 Monthly Update - Revenues reflect some increase due to how she is starting to book the healthcare benefits, which will streamline the process a bit. Some quick update - appropriation modification was just something that had been overlooked previously that she was correcting. 4. HEARING OF THE PUBLIC (RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS OR GENERAL COMMENTS)
5. CONSENT 5.01 Meeting Minutes - Board approval of the Meeting Minutes from the Regular Meeting of November 8, 2022, as presented. 5.02 Financial Statements for the Month of November 2022 - Board approval of the Financial Statements for the Month of November 2022 5.03 Appropriations Modification - Board approval of Appropriations Modification dated December 1, 2022 (see attached). Appropriation to 003 Permanent Improvement Fund. Fund: Appropriation: 003 Permanent Improvement $562,590.00 Total: $562,590.00 5.04 Donation - Board approval of the following donations: To: Crestwood High School $500 Hand Sanitizer and Wipes From: Dollar General To: Crestwood Local Schools 100.00 cash to be used for unpaid lunch balances From: Reed and Walker Families To: Crestwood Primary School $250 Board Games for Indoor From: Daystar Ford 5.05 Agreement - Kent State University Student Teaching / Field Experience - Board approval of the attached Student Teaching and Field Experience Agreement made between Kent State University ("College"), and Crestwood Local Schools ("District"). 5.06 Resignation for Purpose of Retirement - Vaught - Board approval to accept the resignation for the purpose of retirement of Grover Vaught, Teacher. The last day of employment will be June 30, 2023, with the retirement effective July 1, 2023 (see attached). 5.07 Resignation for Purpose of Retirement - Briggs - Board approval to accept the resignation for the purpose of retirement of Patricia Briggs, Treasurer's Assistant. The last day of employment will be June 30, 2023, with the retirement effective July 1, 2023 (see attached). 5.08 Resignation for Purpose of Retirement - Hogue - Board approval to accept the resignation for the purpose of retirement of Doyle Hogue, Custodian. The last day of employment will be June 30, 2023, with the retirement effective July 1, 2023 (see attached). 5.09 2023-2024 AND 2024-2025 Calendars - Board approval of the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 calendars as presented. 5.10 Educational Opportunity - Board approval of the following educational opportunities: 5.11 Substitutes - Board approval to employ the following substitutes for the 2022-2023 school year pending satisfactory BCII/FBI report and appropriate certification where required: 5.12 Student Worker - Board approval to employ a student worker (Logan Burkhart) at $10.10 per hour. 5.13 Supplemental / Personal Service - Employ the following individuals contingent upon attaining minimum participation criteria for the 2022-2023 school year in compliance with ORC sections 3319.11 and 3319.1111 (pending appropriate certification and BCII/FBI approval): 5.14 Fieldtrip - Scarlet Guard / Choir - Board approval for High School Scarlet Guard students to participate in a field trip to perform at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, from February 14, 2024, to February 19, 2024. Overnight lodging is contingent upon all requirements of the State Department being met (see attached).
5.15 Board approval of Items 5.01 through 5.14 - passed unanimously without discussion 6. NON-CONSENT 6.01 President Pro Tempore – Board approval to appoint Karen Shulz to serve as President Pro Tempore for the opening of the January 10, 2023 Organizational meeting. - passed with 4 Yea and 1 Abstention vote without discussion 6.02 Classified - McGinnis - Board approval to employee the following effective December 5, 2022: (pending appropriate certification and BCII/FBI approval) Classified one-year Probationary Kayla McGinnis, 9 months, 5-hour Double Run Bus Driver, Step 0 - passed unanimously without discussion 6.03 Classified - Romo - Board approval to employee the following effective December 5, 2022: (pending appropriate certification and BCII/FBI approval) Classified one-year Probationary Marqueta Romo, 9 months, 5-hour Driver, Step 0 - passed unanimously without discussion 6.04 Unpaid Leave - Romo - Board approval of the following unpaid Leave: Marqueta Romo - 7 days unpaid on January 17, 2023, through January 26, 2023. - passed unanimously without discussion 6.05 Unpaid Leave - Giel - Board approval of an unpaid leave of absence for Heather Giel starting approximately December 23, 2022, to January 20, 2023 (see attached). - passed unanimously without discussion 7. BOARD REPORTS 7.01 Board of Education
8. DISCUSSION 8.01 Future District Finances - discussion not necessary as was able to be completed in prior work session 9. ADJOURNMENT 9.01 Motion to Adjourn - 7:30 pm Comments are closed.
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