Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - Regular Meeting Crestwood Local Schools Central Office Small Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 1.01 Call To Order - KSchulz at 7pm - all in attendance - four members of the public - two staff 1.02 Pledge of Allegiance 1.03 Accept and Approve Board Meeting Agenda - approved unanimously 2. SUPERINTENDENT'S COMMUNICATION - Federal lunch program - due to the pandemic, they were able to offer meals to all students at no cost last year. The USDA has not extended the program, so it is now operating at normal processes. Students will need to enroll in free/reduced plans. They can no longer give free meals to all students. The reimbursement rates have also dropped dramatically as well. Even with reimbursements, the district operates at a loss with students who receive free/reduced lunches. WIth inflation, costs have also risen for the Food Services dramatically. The district does try to reduce costs by being part of a consortium and utilizing the central office building for storage, forecasting, etc. Typical food product purchased by the district prices are up 30%. When looking at how our increases have gone, the increase this year is minimal in comparison. Our cafeteria services are not designed to make profit, but are also not designed to go into deficit with money to balance coming from the general fund. Any extra money from the pandemic needed to be used on equipment - it couldn’t be for food. Those were the rationale for the increases - and are in line with other local districts. 3. TREASURER'S COMMUNICATION - The transition in the Treasurer's office is going well and all office services are continuing as needed 4. HEARING OF THE PUBLIC (RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS OR GENERAL COMMENTS)
5. CONSENT 5.01 Meeting Minutes - July 12th meeting 5.02 Financial Statements for the Month of July 2022 5.03 Advances Return CRESTWOOD LOCAL SCHOOLS RETURN OF ADVANCES TO GENERAL FUND FUND SCC NAME OF FUND AMOUNT 572 9222 TITLE 1 $6,970.43 590 9222 TITLE II-A $2,103.67 587 9222 IDEA B PRE-K $172.07 516 9222 IDEA $11,095.29 516 9219 ARP IDEA $8,185.51 507 9222 ESSER II $63,902.20 507 9223 ESSER III $36,424.81 572 9225 EXPANDING OPPORTUNITIES FY22 $7,152.66 5.04 Agreement GCL Educational Services 5.05 Contract - ESC of Northeast Ohio - Board approval of the attached contract with Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio for Audiology and Hearing Impairment Services throughout the 2022-2023 school year. 5.06 Classified - Special Education Aide - Classified one-year Probationary: Sarah Panczak, 7-hour Special Education Aide, Step 0 5.07 Classified - Contract - Classified one-year Probationary: Kaddie Watts, 10 months, 8-hour, Secretary, Step 0 5.08 Classified - Cafeteria Hourly - Classified 1-year: Vici Stansberry, 9 month, 2-hour Cafeteria Hourly 5.09 Disposal - Board approval to dispose of by sale, recycle, or trash, the obsolete and/or broken equipment as presented and remove it from the inventory records of the district 5.10 Resignation - Shannon Roman, Custodian, August 3, 2022 5.11 Substitutes - Bus Driver Carol Robinson, Heidi Duke, Wendy Connair, Sharon Dove, Charles Simera, Thomas Knipper, Michelle Lupica, Sandra Wagner, Maryellen Griffin, Allison Seneff, Kaddie Watts Secretary Amy Shelhamer, Miranda Robinson, Deborah Miller, Dawn Forson Cafeteria Lisa Yukich, Miranda Robinson, Deborah Miller, Dawn Forson Special Education Aide Amy Shelhamer, Miranda Robinson, Dawn Forson, Van Driver, Ramona Rodhe, Michelle Gray, Custodian Miranda Robinson Aide Amy Shelhamer, Valerie Donat, Sandra Kotkowski, Mark Kearney, Roberta George, Miranda Robinson, Michelle Gray, Deborah Miller, Dawn Forson 5.12 Supplemental / Personal Service 2022-2023 Brandon Baldwin - Football Assistant (Volunteer) -0.00% -High Maria Blasiole-Track Assistant (7th/8th)-6.00%-Middle David Mayle -Basketball - Boys (7th)-6.00%-Middle Katherine Eisler-Tennis Assistant - Girs (JV)-6.00%-High Keith Vasenda-Soccer Head Coed (Assistant)-6.00-Middle Scott Baker /Andrew Mertz-Football Assistant (split)-3.00-Middle Patrick Griffis-LPDC Committee-3.00%-District 5.13 Overnight Trip Request - Board approval for the class of 2028 (6th grade) to participate in Hiram House Camp, Chagrin Falls, Ohio May 10-12th, 2023 which includes overnight lodging at no cost to the district (see attached). 5.14 Transportation Release St. Helen: Mackenzie Sabol Parent(s): Jennifer and Brian Sabol Release To: Parents 5.15 Board approval of Items 5.01 through 5.14 - Passed unanimously 6. NON-CONSENT 6.01 Contract - Triangle Roofing - Board approval to enter into a contract with Triangle Roofing for roof restoration at Crestwood High School in the amount of $263,300.00. Discussion - Karen Schulz - Was this covered at the PI meeting? Kristen Cavanaugh: yes, it was discussed in PI update. Todd Monroe: this is above the stage, cafeteria and stage. Will do an infrared test to determine what needs to be repaired and address those areas. KC: Were able to prove that the roof does need to be repaired. Comes with a. 20 year warranty. Dave Toth: 5 years ago, the board knew that the roof needed to be repaired. We’re looking at replacing the gym floor down the road and new equipment in the cafeteria. Shouldn’t put new money into the floor without addressing the roof. KC: this roof in 2018 was only in "Fair" condition above the gym and tests show it does not contain asbestos. Motion - passed unanimously 7. ADJOURNMENT - adjourned at 7:23 pm Post meeting - Dave Toth to members of the public: Throughout the year, surveys may be done and community members can look them over. How will someone know? In the 7-12/CIS, they probably email parents out. Younger kids may just be notified by paper. All community members can contact principals or the superintendent to review surveys at any time. Comments are closed.
August 2024
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