Crestwood Board of Education - Regular Meeting June 28 2022 - Crestwood Administrative Building 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - 7:01 1.01 Call To Order - all members present - Karen Schulz, Kristen Cavanaugh, Todd Monroe, Bonnie Lovejoy, Tim Heron 1.02 Pledge of Allegiance 1.03 Accept and Approve Board Meeting Agenda - passed unan Tim Heron moved to change consent item 5.35 to non consent agenda - becomes 7.16 - passed unanimously Todd Monroe moved to remove 5.09 from the agenda for further review and place on consent agenda at next meeting - passed unanimously 2. SUPERINTENDENT'S COMMUNICATION 2.01 Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award Janice May (CPS) and Sue McClure (CIS) have received this award for the 2021-2022 school year Given to an educator, or a team of teachers, for outstanding work with students with disabilities in the 16 teams in NEOH. High impact instruction was what both teachers were recognized for at the State level. Both teachers have positively impacted the students and their fellow staff member, with their hard work, dedication, and belief in the abilities of each student. Their positive energy is something to be admired. 3. TREASURER'S COMMUNICATION On the agenda is a counteract for a local gov agency - they will serve as our new gap auditor. Also is the fiscal year end appropriations and opening appropriations, as is the traditional accounting process for this meeting. 4. HEARING OF THE PUBLIC (RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS OR GENERAL COMMENTS) 4.01 Guidelines for Hearing of the Public
4.02 Nancy Shepard - Retired teacher - concerned proposed changed regarding public participation at Special Meetings - strongly agree with CRT resolution 5. CONSENT 5.01 Meeting Minutes 5.02 Add Funds 5.03 Financial Statements for the Month of May 2022 5.04 Fiscal Year End 5.05 Student Accident Insurance & Reed & Bauer District Insurance Renewals 5.06 FMLA - Combs 5.07 Donations 5.08 Disposal 5.09 Novel Approval 5.10 Resignation - Wagner 5.11 Resignation - Donias 5.12 Resignation - Stephens 5.13 Resignation - Jones 5.14 Resignation - Duke 5.15 Resignation - Walsh-Cobb 5.16 Resignation - Smith 5.17 Resignation - Cartwright 5.18 Resignation - Grabowski 5.19 Resignation - Forster 5.20 Agreement - Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio 5.21 Agreement - Local Government Services 5.22 Casual Labor Workers 5.23 Educational Opportunity 2021-2022 5.24 Extended Time 5.25 Education Alternatives - Service Agreement 5.26 Agreement - Behavioral Consulting 5.27 Agreement - Harbor Educational Services, LLC 5.28 Agreement - SPARCC 5.29 ESY - Monarch School 5.30 Certified Substitute Rate 5.31 Preschool - Tuition 5.32 Supplemental / Personal Service 2021-2022 5.33 Supplemental / Personal Service 2022-2023 5.34 Lunch Prices 5.35 Revised - Board Policies 5.36 Overnight Trip Request - Cheer Camp 5.37 Transportation Releases 5.38 Classified - Contracts 5.39 Vacation payout 5.40 Board approval of Items 5.01 through 5.39 Passed unanimously 6. DISCUSSION 6.01 Treasurer Search Average time for search is 4 months - consultant has 8-10 interim but none are available. Will discuss Sarah as interim in Executive Session (as disclosed by K Cavanaugh in public) 7. NON-CONSENT 7.01 RESOLUTION #2022-35 REJECTING THE PROPRIETY OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY AS A COMPONENT OF DISTRICT CURRICULUM Passed with NO DISCUSSION Yes: BL, KC, TH No: TM, KS 7.02 RESOLUTION #2022-36 Authorization to purchase from school bus bids received by Ohio Schools Council This resolution would be to purchase four buses through a grant program - all buses would be purchased by September 2023. Previously agreed to purchase 2 buses. This grant closes June 30th, so we would need to decide now if we want to purchase the additional 2 at the reduced price. This motion is to agree to purchase 4 total new buses by 9/2023. Passed unanimously 7.03 Resignation - Palm Passed unanimously 7.04 Employment of Consultant for Treasurer's Assistant - Payroll Hiring Loretta Duriak as consultant - Salary would be $27.07, would be an independent contractor. Treasurer would recommend hiring her at $35/hour since it would make up the benefits difference. There would be value because of her experience. Board decided to go with what her hourly rate would have been had she not retired ($27.07/hour) even with the additional taxes that she would have to pay as an independent contractor. Passed unanimously 7.05 Agreement - Educational Service Center of Western Reserve Passed unanimously 7.06 Certified - Replacement - Jade Bretz Passed unanimously 7.07 Certified - Replacement - Jordyn Burke Passed unanimously 7.08 Certified - Replacement - Jeanne Wills Passed unanimously 7.09 Certified - Replacement - Jordan Johnson Passed unanimously 7.10 Certified - Replacement -Madison Leventry Passed unanimously 7.11 Certified - Replacement - Shelby Starkey Passed unanimously 7.12 Certified - Replacement -Gabrielle DeLaat Passed unanimously 7.13 Certified - Replacement - Ashley Foulkes Passed unanimously 7.14 Classified - Replacement - Megan Fields Passed unanimously 7.15 Substitute - Long-Term -Michaela Brugmann Passed unanimously 7.16 Change of Board Policy - Public Participation FAILED unanimously 8. BOARD REPORTS 8.01 Board of Education Athletic - no report Safety/PI - Summit construction - starting their abatement - completion is slated for summer 2023 - will do walkthrough in 10 months; Jeff Wollard applied for a camera upgrades grant; They have received the survey and estimate of the 7-12 flat roofs - $260-280k to repair; CPS/CIS - replacement vs repair of the chillers for AC is needed, have resurfaced parking areas; Window replacement needed at HS “on parking lot side” - current glass is single paned. Blinds in the 7-12 building may need replacement. 7-12 Cafeteria will get new audio/video upgrades. Chip/seal front parking lot of 7-12. Painting of all parking spaces district wide. Looking at installing vape detection and noise sensors at 7-12 and CIS. Cameras will be positioned to focus on bathroom exits as well. Will be meeting in the fall regarding gym floor replacement in 2024. Going to create outdoor dining space at 7-12 building at the NE corner of the building, using money from the service funds that were left over. Replacing laptops for all staff districtwide. Looking at cost to resurface playground at CIS/CPS - there had been shortages in the materials. Jeff Wollard’s department created a 15 year project list. Will send it to all Board Members and they are encouraged to look at it. Bond for CIS/CPS end in Feb 2023. No new funds will be generated for those buildings. All repairs after that will then have to come out of the general fund. Board Policies are in pause because of the lame duck session of the General Assembly - no report Music - HS spring concert was on May 24th - CSG performed at all 4 communities’ Memorial Day Parades. New leadership team for the Marching Band is excited to start this year. Band camp starts in July and they have 23 new members. CPS - final music activity was a virtual summer camp: found rhythm in the stars, went fishing for melodies and more. Maplewood - Starting their construction project near the entrance - 781 students currently enrolled for next year. Their board talked about House Bill 99 extensively. Bonnie Lovejoy asked if the Crestwood School Board was going to talk about it. Todd Monroe asked Jeff Wollard to speak about what he just completed. Jeff Wollard stood and told the board that every 3 years all school districts are required to submit emergency management plan to the State. The Crestwood EOP was submitted in May and has been approved for the next 3 years. It includes many protocols, such as how to respond in a variety of situations, where to rendezvous for children and parents, dealing with local emergency agencies, how to deal with weather calamities, where to locate staff/students to maintain operations in event of a building not being operational due to emergency. The Crestwood plan was approved quickly and without need for revision. Bonne Lovejoy said that this is outside of that plan and is suggesting that arming school personnel should be a discussion with the Crestwood board. Karen Schulz wondered what we would need to do. David Toth said that before any resolution, they would need to change policy which currently does NOT allow for armed school personnet, rewrite a policy, write about training, look at legal components, and carefully look how this would impact insurance coverage for the school district. BL insists that there is a lot that goes into it, and thatMaplewood is just starting to look at the process. KC would think that having a discussion would be helpful and wanted to add it to the meeting in two weeks. DToth suggested that the Board first talk with legal counsel to walk through law point by point, have a discussion about what it means, and have a clear overview of what the board can do/not do. THeron says that we heard from two members of the community today, perhaps a survey of the entire community would be helpful. KSchulz asked if it should be on the next meeting’s agenda in two weeks. The majority feedback was that it would need more prior work than could be achieved in two weeks. KCavanaugh said that if the meeting isn’t too detailed, maybe the July meeting would be a good discussion point. TMonroe said that it would be more helpful to get expert advice first and they might not be available in that short notice. DToth will work with KSchulz to get experts available to help guide the board. OSBA - Ohio EPA is offering funds for water bottle refilling stations - $5k/school, $10k/district; Student Achievement Fair Nov 14th - student programs and artwork can still be submitted; Discussed multiple bills in process at GA GOING OUT OF ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER: Tim Heron was given the floor and said, “CRT is theory, not history.” Added that if teachers have any qualms about what they can or can’t teach, there is a board for them to discuss it with. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION 9.01 Move Into Executive Session 10. ADJOURNMENT 10.01 Motion to Adjourn LWV Observer: JSM
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